You have a business idea and want to know if it is feasible. It doesn’t make any difference if it’s a product or service. A feasibility study will provide you with the discipline and insight to reassure yourself that your idea is worthwhile pursuing. Furthermore, if you need to finance the business, lending institutions and investors, typically require a feasibility study. The feasibility study evaluates the project’s potential for success. we have prepared feasibility studies for hundreds of business start-ups, as well as, established companies seeking to introduce a new product or service.
Feasibility studies contain standard components. The exact appearance of each study varies. This depends on the industry studied, the critical factors for that project, the methods chosen to conduct the study – primary and secondary research, and the budget. Most studies have multiple potential uses, e.g. validate your assumptions, reassure investors and lenders that the proposed venture is economically viable, etc. so they must be designed to serve everyone’s needs.
Knowing which way to turn requires an in-depth understanding of the marketplace.
Accounting Consulting
Accounting is something that every business needs, no matter how large or small. Accounting consultants can help a business with all of its financial needs. We help our client for:
> Design their Chart of Accounts.
> Documenting accounting workflow circle.
> Link accounts to each other.
> Train Staff
Companies Liquidation So what is that mean?
First of all we need to understand what a company is, a company is a separate entity in its own Right just like the shareholder or the directors are. The directors are the officers of a company who run the company. The shareholders are the people who have taken invested money in the company and have taken shares in return. A director can also be a shareholder in the same company, this is the most common small business you find around the world.
When a company is placed in to liquidation an insolvency practitioner (liquidator) steps in to the The shoes of the company to finalize the affairs of the company, i.e. sell any assets of the company if any and pay any liabilities with what dividends are left if any amongst the creditors. Once all that has been completed the company is then dissolved and removed from the Companies Register. That’s the end of the company.
Feasibility Studies
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whenever you want to call in to see us for general catch up, you can do so free of charge. Just call us to schedule the meeting.
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As long as information is provided on time, if you give us a realistic deadline to beat then we’ll achieve it. We understand that business can move very quickly at times, and we make sure that we have the resources and flexibility to react.
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Relevant to Business owners, our newswire will help to keep you up to date and give you ideas on how to pay less.
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